Hunting Island  Hero Image

Hunting Island

Hunting Island  Image
Park Logo


The Hunting Island Lighthouse is currently closed for repairs, and construction is underway. On weekdays, equipment noise may impact this area of the park. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your understanding as we work to restore this historic feature for public access and enjoyment!

The Nature Center is open 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Saturday (closed Sundays).

We now have a track chair available for visitors with mobility impairments, thanks to the Ford Bronco Wild Fund. Visitors are encouraged to call the park to reserve the track chair at least 48 hours in advance to ensure availability. There is no additional charge to use the track chair, but a Park Passport or park admission is required for entry for all visitors. Read more about this new track chair, here.

Join us on a tour of St. Phillips Island! Click here for details!

Clock Logo


Park Hours:
6 a.m. - 6 p.m., daily (extended to 9 p.m. during Daylight Saving Time)

Nature Center Hours:
9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday (closed Sundays)

Campground Store Hours:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m., daily.

Lighthouse Store Hours:
9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Fri.-Mon.


9 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sa-Su

Admission Logo


$8/adult; $5/SC seniors; $4/ child age 6-15; Free for children 5 and younger

Pets Logo


Pets are not allowed in the cabin or the cabin area, on the pier or inside the lighthouse complex. Dogs are not permitted on the tip of North Beach past the posted markers to protect critical shorebird habitat. Pets are allowed in most other outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Hunting Island State Park  Has Wifi

Wifi Available

Hunting Island State Park  Has EV Charging Station

EV Charging Station

Hunting Island State Park



Click here for a downloadable park trail map.

Diamondback Rattlesnake Trail

Length:  1.9 miles 

Type: Hiking and Mountain Biking Trail 

Difficulty: Moderately Strenuous

Description:  This trail is accessible from the Nature Center Scenic Trail and “J” Parking via the Palmetto Pass and Maritime Forest Trail.  This trail was re-routed in 2019 after several large storms. It is for experienced walkers and mountain bikers only. It is a moderately strenuous trail and has some difficult spots.

Lagoon Trail

Length: 1.4 miles

Type:  Hiking Trail

Difficulty: Easy

Description:  This trail starts at “J” Parking and winds along the lagoon. It leads you through the maritime forest while providing scenic views of the lagoon and the various wildlife habitats between.

Magnolia Forest Trail 

Length: 1.2 miles  

Type: Hiking Trail  

Difficulty: Easy

Description:  With natural terrain and some hilly surfaces, this trail will take you from the campground to the entrance gate of the daily beach access areas, lighthouse, Visitors Center and lagoon access.
From the entrance gate, you will walk the roads of the park to reach the areas within, so be prepared for vehicle traffic.  You are sure to see plenty of beautiful magnolia trees along the way.

Maritime Forest Trail 

Length: 2.0 miles

Type: Hiking Trail 

Difficulty: Easy  

Description:  This trail takes you deep into the interior maritime forest. You will see dense vegetation that provides protected habitat for many animals, including deer, raccoons, owls, hawks and squirrels.

Marsh Boardwalk Crossover Trail

Length: 0.3 miles

Type: Hiking Trail

Difficulty: Easy

Description:  This connector trail intersects the Lagoon Trail, Maritime Forest Trail and Diamondback Rattlesnake Trail to provide a path leading to the Marsh Boardwalk Trail.

Marsh Boardwalk Trail

Length: 0.25 miles

Type: Hiking Trail 

Difficulty: Easy 

Description: Designated a National Recreation Trail, this wooden boardwalk mixed with a crushed hardened surface is great for observing life in the salt marsh. The dock on the end provides an area for viewing magnificent sunsets. 

Nature Center Scenic Trail

Length: 0.7 miles

Type: Hiking Trail

Difficulty: Easy

Description: This trail provides access from the Nature Center to the Diamond Back Rattlesnake, Maritime Forest and Lagoon trails. Make sure to walk the pedestrian bridge to gain access to the two trails on our Little Hunting Island. Experience the ever-changing views of a wild barrier island

Palmetto Pass Trail

Length: 0.2 miles

Type: Hiking Trail

Difficulty: Easy  

Description:  This trail offers easy access from “J” Parking to the Maritime Forest and Diamondback Rattlesnake trails.

Pine Pass Trail

Length: 0.2 mile

Type:  Hiking Trail

Difficulty:  Easy

Description:  This easy trail connects the Lagoon Trail with the Maritime Forest Trail.


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