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Please be aware: Federal regulations require that any time a horse crosses state lines, a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (aka Health Certificate) is required. This can be either a 30 day certificate or an Extended Equine Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (EECVI), which has a duration of six months.

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Day use area, trails and Loop Road open 9 a.m. to sunset, daily.


Open daily, 11 a.m.-noon & 4-5 p.m.

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Free admission

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Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet.

Lee State Park  No Wifi

No Wifi Available

Lee State Park


Unique Features

  • Significant Features: Bottomland hardwood forest wetlands make up the majority of Lee’s 2,839 acres. Over 700 acres are enrolled in the USDA NRCS’s Wetland Reserve Program. This is an agreement with the Federal Government that these wetlands will remain wetlands for perpetuity.

    Artesian wells are a combination of man-made and natural features. The CCC drilled down into confined aquifers throughout the park. The water is under pressure in these confined aquifers. The pressure pushes the water to the earth’s surface to create artesian wells that flow 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    The Lynches River has been a state-designated State Scenic River since 1994. As long as the Loop Road is passable, visitors can drive down to the banks of the Lynches River to fish, birdwatch, or just sit back and enjoy the river flowing by.

  • Wildlife: Unique wildlife include the federally endangered wood stork, marsh rabbits and fox squirrels.

    Not-so-unique wildlife but “charismatic” – wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, bobcats, gray foxes, summer tanagers, yellow-billed cuckoos, yellow-bellied turtles, green tree frogs, three owl species (great-horned owl, barred owl and screech owl), beavers and river otters.


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