Lake Greenwood  Hero Image

Lake Greenwood

Lake Greenwood  Image
Park Logo


UPDATE 3/7/2025 - The following areas remain closed at this time; Shelter 1 area including the playground and fishing pier, ALL hiking trails and the Shelter 4 area.

Please be advised, wi-fi is only available at the Drummond Center and park office area and does not extend to the campground.

Clock Logo


dawn to dusk, daily


9 a.m. - 5 p.m., daily (extended to 8 p.m. F-Sa during Daylight Saving Time)

Admission Logo


$3 adults; $1.50 SC seniors; $1 children age 6-15; age 5 & younger free

Pets Logo


Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Lake Greenwood State Park  Has Wifi

Wifi Available

Lake Greenwood State Park  Has EV Charging Station

EV Charging Station

Lake Greenwood State Park


History & Interpretation

  • Museum: The John and Holly Self Drummond Conservation Education and Conference Center features an extensive, interactive exhibit recounting the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the New Deal-era work teams who built state parks and other long-lasting conservation and recreation projects throughout the nation.

  • Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): Yes
  • Designation: Lake Greenwood State Park was developed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a New Deal Program created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The program was designed to provide employment during the Great Depression while addressing national needs in conservation and recreation.

    The CCC was instrumental in the development of many of South Carolina’s state parks. A number of buildings built by the CCC in the 1930's are still in use at this park.

  • When & How PRT Acquired: Donated in 1938 by Greenwood County.


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