Table Rock  Hero Image

Table Rock

Table Rock  Image
Park Logo


Table Rock State Park is CLOSED due to wildfire activity and will remain closed for several weeks while emergency operations are underway. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Please stay safe!

We ask all campers to check-in upon arrival.  Please check-in at the park Visitor Center, 158 E. Ellison Lane Pickens, SC 29671.

All visitors should plan to utilize the West Gate Entrance located at 1025 Table Rock State Park Road to enter and exit the park from Memorial Day through Labor Day. 

All pets must remain leashed while in the park, this includes any pets on hiking trails.

Good news!  Wi-Fi is now available in both the White Oaks and Mountain Laurel Campgrounds. Enjoy the ability to stay connected while connecting with the great outdoors!

The Gaines Lodge address for directions and to help route visitors is:  233 Table Rock State Park Road, Pickens, SC.

Clock Logo


Hours are Su-Th 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. (extended to 9 p.m. F and Sa).
Su-Th 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. (extended to 10 p.m. F and Sa), during Daylight Saving Time.


M-Su 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Seasonal winter hours M-Su 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Admission Logo


$6 adults; $3.75 SC seniors (age 65 & older); $3.50 children ages 6-15; ages 5 and under, free.

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Pets are allowed in cabins 4, 9, 10 and 11. Pets are not allowed in any other cabins, indoor areas or on the swim beach at Table Rock State Park. Pets are allowed in most other outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet.

Table Rock State Park  Has Wifi

Wifi Available

Table Rock State Park


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to hike to the top of Table Rock Mountain and back?

The average hiker can do the complete hike in 5 hours time – three hours up and two hours back down.

Where do we hike to get a view?

The Halfway Shelter 1.5 miles up the Table Rock Trail – South to South Westerly view
Governors’ Rock – 2.6 miles up the Table Rock Trail – Westerly View
Table Rock Face – 3.5 miles up the Table Rock Trail – South East to South – to South Westerly view
Watershed Overlook – 3.6 miles up the Table Rock Trail – at the end of the trail – North – to North East – to Easterly view
Bald Rock – 3.6 miles up the Pinnacle Mountain Trail

Can we camp overnight on the trails?

Overnight camping is not permitted on the Table Rock State Park Trail System.  The Pinnacle Mountain Trail is the eastern access to the Foothills Trail.  Camping is permitted on the Foothills Trail once you leave the park’s boundary 4.1 miles up the Pinnacle Mountain Trail.  Table Rock State Park has six Trailside campsites on Lake Oolenoy and is located close to the Park Headquarters.

Where can we see waterfalls in the park?

Table Rock State Park has three waterfalls which are accessible to the public:
Carrick Creek Waterfalls – 300 feet behind the Table Rock Nature Center on the Carrick Creek Trail
Mill Creek Waterfalls – 2.9 miles up the Pinnacle Mountain Trail
Green Creek Waterfalls – just past the ¼ mile marker on the right hand side of Carrick Creek Trail

How did Table Rock get its name?

Cherokee Indian Legend states that a Cherokee Chieftain named the Table Rock Watershed “Sah-ka-na-ga”.  When he finished hunting, he would stop here and use the Table Rock mountain as his dining table while sitting on Stool Mountain to dine on his venison.

Is wi-fi available at the park?

Complimentary wi-fi is available at the park visitor center located on S.C. Hwy. 11 and at the country store located near the entrance to the campground area. The wi-fi is also accessible from campsites 1-5 in the campground.

Where can we rock climb?

Climbing within Table Rock State Park is permitted from the Water Groove Wall to the Pumpkintown Wall. Access trails to these areas exist at the White Oaks Parking Area. Permits are available at the climber kiosk located 200 feet into the trail. Routes on the Walker Buttress and Water Groove Wall are closed for peregrine falcon nesting from Feb 1- August 15 annually.

Are there charcoal grills at the tables in the park?

The only charcoal grills available in our picnic area are located at our rental picnic shelters.  Visitors may bring their own grills but we ask that they remove the used charcoal ashes when they leave.

Where is the best place to view the mountain?

The Park Headquarters/Visitor Center – you may sit on the porch at this facility and view the entire watershed from Pinnacle Mountain to Stool Mountain.  If you cannot visit us, please view this watershed by clicking on the webcam icon on this web page and you can see the watershed as long as you have computer accessibility.
Pinnacle Dam, located above our East Gate Entrance
Table Rock Overlook located on the State Park Road above the Table Rock Nature Center.  This is the closest view of the mountain that you can get from your car.

At Table Rock State Park where can we swim?

Table Rock State Park has a designated swimming area which is open to the public in our Day Use Area on Lake Pinnacle. The schedule may change due to availability of lifeguards and weather permitting.  Please call Park Headquarters to be sure the area is open the day of your visit.

At Table Rock State Park, where can you fish?

Fishing is permitted on Lake Pinnacle and Lake Oolenoy.  A South Carolina Fishing License is required.  There are two fishing piers available on Lake Oolenoy for fishing.  You may fish from the bank anywhere on Lake Pinnacle except in the Swimming Area or use one of the park’s rental seasonal fishing  boats for better accessibility.  Please call Park Headquarters for more information.

Are there any pet friendly cabins at Table Rock?

Pets are allowed in cabins 4, 9, 10 and 11 at Table Rock. Pets are not permitted in any other cabins. Pets are allowed in most other outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife. Click here to review our Pet Policy Agreement.

Where is the park’s Ultimate Outsider stamp located?

Our Ultimate Outsider stamps are located at multiple locations throughout the park. Look for it at the Visitors Center's information counter, where park staff will be happy to stamp your book. We also have stamps in the Nature Center as well as at the trailhead kiosk outside of the Nature Center.

Where can I find a list of state park rules and regulations?

You can find the South Carolina State Park rules and regulations, along with campground rules and regulations at this link.

For more general, statewide frequently asked questions, please click here.


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