Redcliffe Plantation  Hero Image

Redcliffe Plantation

Redcliffe Plantation  Image
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Redcliffe House Tours have resumed.  You must book your tour spot in advance, by calling the park or by clicking here.  There is no access to the grounds at this time, other than taking the house tour.

Tours of the historic slave quarters and mansion are offered Thursday-Monday at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Reservations are not required but strongly encouraged as there are limited spots. Please call the park office to make a reservation for a tour.

Clock Logo


Grounds: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., daily

Guided Tours of the Historic Structures available: Thursday-Monday at 11 a.m. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Access to the mansion is only available on a guided tour.


10 a.m. - 11 a.m., daily. Please note that on Tuesdays and Wednesdays park rangers are often out on the grounds.

Admission Logo


Park admission is free. House tours are $10 for adults; $6 for SC Seniors; $5 for children ages 6-15; children age 5 and under are free.

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Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet.

Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site  No Wifi

No Wifi Available

Redcliffe Plantation State Historic Site


History & Interpretation

  • Programs and Guided Tours: Guided tours of the historic mansion are given Th – M at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. for an admission charge. If school groups are scheduled on a day when we offer tours, the 11 a.m. tour will not be held. Please contact the park in advance if you are planning on attending an 11 a.m. tour.

    Special programs on multiple topics are held at least once a month throughout the year for varying costs. Please check our programs section for more information.

  • Historic Home: Yes
  • Historic Garden: An onsite heirloom garden explores the more than 120 years of gardening and agricultural history at Redcliffe. Garden themes vary from year to year and include: Antebellum Kitchen Garden, African-American Heritage Garden and Depression Era Kitchen Garden. The garden is generally open to the public only in the summer and/or fall. Call ahead for more details.

  • African American History: Redcliffe Plantation interprets the history of multiple generations of multiple families that were enslaved at Redcliffe and other Hammond plantations, or who worked as sharecroppers and/or paid employees from the 1831 through 1975. The site features two historic circa 1857 slave cabins. Visitors experience African-American history year round at the site during guided tours, special exhibits and special programs.

  • Civil War History: Visitors to Redcliffe will learn about the important role Redcliffe owner James Henry Hammond played in state and national politics leading to the secession of South Carolina and the start of the Civil War, as well as family life during the Civil War during guided tours of the historic mansion and special programs.

  • National Register of Historic Places: Yes
  • Designation: National Register
  • When & How PRT Acquired: Donated in 1973 from John Shaw Billings


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