Region Maintenance Supervisor Matt Malovic
Park Service Profiles
The South Carolina State Park Service, internally, is divided into four regions, composed of about 12 parks per region. The four regions all have their own Regional Chief, who oversees the management of their respective parks as well as a Regional Maintenance Supervisor, who manages and helps with major projects at the parks in their region. Our Park Service Profile this month is Matthew Malovic, the Lakes Region Maintenance Supervisor. As such, he works with Sadlers Creek, Calhoun Falls, Hickory Knob, Baker Creek, Hamilton Branch, Lake Greenwood, Dreher Island, Chester, Lake Wateree, Landsford Canal and Andrew Jackson State Parks. Quite a big job!
Malovic started his career with the State Park Service at Sesquicentennial State Park as a Park Technician and moved on to become the Maintenance Supervisor at Santee State Park. After working at Santee, he was promoted to his current position as Lakes Region Maintenance Supervisor. We asked what park he’s worked at is his favorite, and he tactfully could not give us an answer! He would say, however, “watching the sunrise over Lake Marion at Santee State Park can be amazing.” As the Regional Maintenance Supervisor, no two days are alike. Malovic can be found doing anything from carpentry and electrical work to managing the Lakes Region equipment and helping parks break ground on different projects.
When asked what he liked most about his job, Malovic said: “I like knowing we provide a beautiful safe place for folks to come and make memories that will last a lifetime.” He says he would encourage anyone to work for the State Park Service because he loves what he does every day, and “if you love your job it will never feel like work.” Thank you, Matthew, for all you do!