ALL camping, camper cabin & villa guests should check-in at the Tackle Shop before proceeding to their cabin, villa or campsite.
The South Carolina Forestry Commission has issued a State Forester’s burning ban for all counties. A State Forester’s Burning Ban prohibits all outdoor burning, including yard debris burning, prescribed burning, campfires, bonfires, and other recreational fires in all unincorporated areas of the state. The ban will stay in effect until further notice.
The following SC State Parks are CLOSED due to wildfire activity:
ALL camping, camper cabin & villa guests should check-in at the Tackle Shop before proceeding to their cabin, villa or campsite.
M-Su dawn to dusk
8am-5pm, daily
7am-5pm daily (extended during peak season)
$3 adults; $1.50 SC seniors; $1 children age 6-15; age 5 & younger free
Beginning January 1, 2020, pets will be allowed in camper cabins 2-5. Pets are not allowed in the villas or the villa areas. Pets are allowed in most other outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife. Pets are not allowed in the camper cabin area prior to January 1, 2020.
I’m Elly Jones, manager of Dreher Island State Park. To be honest, parks were never on my radar when considering a career. I was at Clemson University and needed to do an internship. I was living in Bethune, SC, and Cheraw State Park was the first application submitted and they hired me. As they say, the rest is history. Twenty years later, and I wouldn't change much. I live on a park in an ideal location to raise two boys.
I'm a striped bass (any fish, really) fanatic, and the bridge connecting the first and second islands is my favorite spot to slow down or stop and look on the park. Fall, winter and spring are the best seasons to watch the birds from the bridge and let them tell you what the fish are doing. The bridge view is a window to two distinct and different areas of Lake Murray.
As a first-time visitor, I would suggest you stop by the Tackle Shop/Visitor's Center for a map and take a stroll on one of our three trails. You could also simply have a picnic or let the kids wear themselves out on the playground.
**Our Ultimate Outsider stamp is located just outside the tackle shop in a brown box.
Dreher Island State Park spans three islands, 348 acres and provides access to 12 miles of Lake Murray shoreline. Visitors will find recreational water activities, nature trails and some of the best striped and large-mouth bass fishing spots, all only 30 miles from Columbia. It has long been a popular location and launching spot for major, national fishing tournaments.
For overnight accommodations with views of Lake Murray, lodging reservations can be made in our park villas, or guests can camp at one of many lakefront campsites.
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