Sadlers Creek  Hero Image

Sadlers Creek

Sadlers Creek  Image
Park Logo


View the results from the Fox Squirrel 5K, here.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Our fishing pier is currently CLOSED, until further notice, while repairs are being made. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We're happy to announce that our water bottle filling station donated by Duke Energy Carolinas is installed and operational!  Come get a cool drink on us!  More info, here on this new park amenity.

Clock Logo


Sunrise to sunset, daily


4-5 p.m., daily

Admission Logo


$3 adults; $1.50 SC seniors; $1 children age 6-15; age 5 & younger free

Pets Logo


Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Sadlers Creek State Park  No Wifi

No Wifi Available

Sadlers Creek State Park  Has EV Charging Station

EV Charging Station

Sadlers Creek State Park


Top 5 Things To Do

  1. Grab a pole and fish for hybrid bass in the 56,000-acre Lake Hartwell.
  2. Bike along the 6-mile bike trail and enjoy all of the beautiful views at Sadlers Creek.
  3. Visit the ball field and watch the deer come out to feed.
  4. Bring your camera and photograph all of the native plants and animals of Sadlers Creek.
  5. Enjoy a game of volleyball on the sand court near the shores of Lake Hartwell.


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