Caesars Head  Hero Image

Caesars Head

Caesars Head  Image
Park Logo


Caesars Head State Park is CLOSED, effective immediately, until further notice, due to wildfire activity in the area.

Caesars Head restrooms and overlook are open from 9 a.m. to sunset.  Trail access is hike at your own risk.  The only trails that are cleared are: Wildcat Wayside, Frank Coggins and Raven Cliff to the overlook. Trails are open from 9 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. All other trails remain closed.

A map of currently open trails can be found, here.

All trails on park are rated as advanced and are in a wilderness setting. Trails Close at 5 PM daily. All hikers must be off trails by this time. 

Caesars Head State Park does not take reservations for day-use parking.  All of our parking is first-come first-serve. There is NO roadside parking at Caesars Head State Park 

Hike-in Trailside campsites are available by reservation only. There is NO car-camping or RV camping at this park.

Clock Logo


9am-6pm, daily. Trails open 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. M-F, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat- Sun.

Admission Logo


Trail access cost: $3 adults; $1.50 SC seniors; $1 children age 6-15; age 5 & younger free

Pets Logo


Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Caesars Head State Park  Has Wifi

Wifi Available

Caesars Head State Park


Things To Do

Learn more about Hawk Watch at Caesars Head.

  • Fishing Information: Enjoy fishing in the Middle Saluda River, Matthews and Julian creeks for brook, rainbow and brown trout. A valid South Carolina fishing license is required. Artifical lures/flies only.

  • Fishing: Yes
  • Wireless Internet Access: Complimentary wifi is available for park guests at the Visitor Center.

  • Picnic Area and Shelters: Picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Park Store/Gift Shop: The park store, located within the Visitor Center, includes a variety of gift and souvenir items that include tshirts, mugs, caps, rocks, jewelry, snacks and other items.

  • Bird Watching: Fall hawk migration can be viewed at the main overlook from Sept.1-Nov. 30 each year. Other great times for birdwatching include the spring songbird migration and International Migratory Bird Day. Spring birdwatching is incredible with 167 species of birds being viewed on the park checklist.

  • Geocaching: Geocaching is permitted. Several geocaches are located on the park. For more information visit the official geocaching website.

  • Birding: Yes
  • Hiking Trails: A network of easy to strenuous hiking trails in the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area links Caesars Head and Jones Gap state parks. Registering with the park before using these trails is mandatory.
    The trails close one hour before dark, year round.

    Detailed trail maps are available for sale at the park headquarters. The trails area as follows:

    Bill Kimball #5 (2.1 miles)

    Coldspring Branch #3 (2.6 miles)

    Coldspring Connector #7 (0.5 mile)

    Dismal #12 (1.5 miles)

    Frank Coggins #15 (1.9 miles)

    John Sloan #21 (0.9 mile)

    Naturaland Trust #14 (5.8 miles)

    Pinnacle Pass #20 (10 miles)

    Raven Cliff Falls (2 miles)

    Rim of the Gap #6 (4.3 miles)

    Tom Miller #2 (0.7 mile)

  • Hiking: Yes


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