Click here to download and print our final agenda.
Click here to download and print detailed field trip information.
Abbreviated agenda below - click here for a final, detailed agenda
Optional Field Trips
4-6pm Networking time (free snacks and drinks)
5-8pm Registration (Congaree Room/Hotel Lobby)
5:30-9pm Downtown Greenville - dinner on your own-shuttles provided
9-11pm Hospitality Suite
6:30-8am Breakfast buffet provided by Embassy Suites Hotel
8:30-8:45am Welcome – SC State Park Ceremonial Corps
8:45-9:45am Key Note Phil Gaines - SC State Park Director
9:45-10am Break
10-11am State Park Showcase - (Delaware/Georgia/Maryland)
11:15am-Noon Concurrent Sessions
12:15-12:30pm Vans depart to Table Rock State Park
1:15-2pm Box lunches (option to eat on shuttle)
2-4pm Guided hikes of Table Rock State Park
4-5pm Explore Table Rock State Park
5:30-7:30pm Bluegrass and BBQ
7-8pm Van Shuttle
9-11pm Hospitality Suite
6:30-8am Breakfast buffet provided by Embassy Suites Hotel
8am Silent Auction begins (ends Thursday at 10:00am)
8:30-10am State Park Showcase- (Virginia/NC/Kentucky/Tennessee/Louisiana)
10-10:15am Break
10:15- 11am Concurrent Sessions
11-11:15am Field Trip Logistics/Safety Brief
Field Trips Depart (see departure times below) Return by 5pm - box lunch provided
11:30am - Jones Gap
11:30am - Lake Conestee
1pm Swamp Rabbit Trail
2pm Roper Mt Science Center
1pm Musgrove Mill
4-6pm Networking time in hotel (free snacks and drinks)
4:30-5:30pm Interpretive Chiefs meet
5:30-9pm Downtown Greenville - dinner on your own-shuttles provided
6:30-8am Breakfast buffet provided by Embassy Suites Hotel
8am Silent Auction continues
8:30-9:50am State Park Showcase (Mississippi/Alabama/Arkansas/Florida/West Virginia)
9:50- 10:00am Field Trip Logistics/Safety Brief
10am Silent Auction Ends
10:15-10:30am Van Shuttle - Paris Mountain
11am-3pm Lunch and activities at Paris Mountain State Park
3-3:30pm Van shuttle
4:30-5:30pm Chief of Interpreters Meeting
4-6pm Networking time in hotel (Free snacks and drinks)
6-9pm Banquet Dinner and Live Auction (Pinehurst Room)
9-11pm Hospitality Suite
6:30-9:00am Breakfast buffet provided by Embassy Suites Hotel
Departure End of conference