Join us at Rose Hill Plantation Sate Historic Site for our Archeology Day Program! Assist archaeologists as they conduct excavations of the grounds of Rose Hill. View the archaeological work in progress, talk with archaeologists, and learn about recent discoveries and the processes of their work. Previous archaeological investigations conducted in the area surrounding the Gist mansion and kitchen building have yielded artifacts such as pottery shards (plate and bowl fragments), bottle glass, nails, brick, and food remains (animal bone). The presence of these artifacts suggest houses or other plantation buildings may have been located in this area. Many of the buildings that you see today were constructed in the 1950s or later and little is known about how the space was used prior to 1950. Join archaeologists as they continue excavations to learn more about how this space was used and the people who lived here. This program features several events throughout the day: viewing excavations in progress, and listening to archaeologists talk about their work and view artifacts. You have selected to participate in the hands-on field work excavation aspect of this program. This does not include the findings presentation aspect of this program.