GPS Before the Digital Age: Navigation in the Early Modern Period

At Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have become commonplace in modern life. We have them in our automobiles as well as in our purses and pockets. A few quick taps on our smartphones, and, presto, we know our exact location on planet Earth. But how did people find their way, especially at sea, before the advent of such technology? With no landmarks to guide them, mariners had to rely on the stars and applied mathematics to help them find their way. Embrace your inner astronomer as you learn about the art and science of navigation during the age of sail, when GPS tools were made of wood, sand, glass, and rope.


  • July 27, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Event Hours

    See schedule above. Program schedules are subject to cancellation due to weather and staffing issues.

    Meeting Place

    The Adventure wharf.

    What to Bring

    Comfortable walking shoes, water, and sunscreen.


    Free with admission.