Ranger Brenden Franklin
Park Service Profiles
Meet Ranger Brenden Franklin! Brenden primarily grew up in Williamsburg, Virginia before moving to Blythewood, South Carolina. He spent a lot of time camping and spending time outdoors with his family, and was ultimately inspired to pursue a career as a park ranger through interactions with staff from state and national parks.
Brenden began his career with the South Carolina State Park Service as an Assistant Ranger at Table Rock State Park before becoming a Park Technician at Oconee State Park. Last year he promoted to Park Ranger at Oconee and then most recently became the Ranger II at Keowee-Toxaway State Park.
When asked about activities he performs on the job, and what he finds most satisfying, Brenden had this to say:
“Throughout my day I wear many hats: making use of trade skills to providing customer service, financial reporting and operating a retail space, as well as maintaining and preserving the beautiful cultural and natural resources here in South Carolina. I personally love getting to work in some of the most scenic places the state has to offer, as well as the multitude and diversity of tasks that we get to engage in on a daily basis.”
For each park profile, we ask our staff about something difficult they face, and Brenden mentioned the difficulties of public speaking. He says park rangers are often regarded as being great public speakers and someone who always has the answers. He says, working through the discomforts of public speaking is an area in which he is trying to grow. Along with this he offers some advice to someone interested in being a park ranger:
“In a field where a multitude of skills are required, I have found that employees, guests, and the community around you are knowledgeable or have a talent, and often they are more than happy to take the time to teach you.”
Choosing your favorite park has long been regarded by park staff, as somewhat like choosing your favorite child. For Brenden, he says, “Every park that I have worked at has merit in of itself through the trails, events, history or general comradery. Though I can say whole heartedly it is the people that I have had the pleasure of working with in this agency that makes this a great place to work.”
Thank you, Ranger Brenden, for your hard work and dedication to the state park service! Join Brenden for a hike along the Natural Bridge Trail in Episode 25 of our “Day in the Life” series.
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