Assistant Park Manager Jayson Sellers
Park Service Profiles
Jayson Sellers has known he wanted to be a park ranger since he was a young child. And the destination that inspired that dream? Charles Towne Landing, the park he now calls home. The park and Sellers have both changed a bit since his first visit in the early eighties, but his passion for nature and history has only grown.
Jayson Sellers was born in Charleston and moved up the coast to graduate from Horry-Georgetown with a degree in Forestry Management. He is husband to a loving wife of eight years, Leann, and father to a beautiful daughter, Scarlett Grace.
Sellers has been a park ranger for 12 years. He started his career at Myrtle Beach State Park, and moved to Edisto Beach State Park. After working at the beach, he moved a little ways back up the coast to Charles Towne Landing, where he is now assistant manager. Sellers’ day to day duties at Charles Towne Landing are varied:
“I do a little of everything from administrative duties, educating and enforcing park rules and regulations, managing budgets, resource management, working with maintenance and animal forest operations, overseeing our retail operation, interpretation, community outreach, passport sales, acquiring sponsorships and working closely with our dedicated volunteers.”
Quite a task! According to Sellers, the best preparation one can have for a job as a park ranger is to be mentally prepared. Sellers believes it is important to have the desire to want to learn as much as possible, work smart and try to make a good impression with everyone you meet and in everything you do.
Sellers loves his job as a park ranger. He says, “I like to use the expression, ‘If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.’ I’m fortunate to have an opportunity to be a piece of the puzzle for future generations. Just like the gentlemen from the CCC, who knew the impact they would have eighty years down the road... I’m blessed and thankful I have an opportunity to wake up every morning doing what I love and loving what I do.”
Since the initial publication of this profile, Sellers has been promoted to Park Manager at Hampton Plantation State Historic Site.