Assistant Greens Supervisor, Chris Flowers
Park Service Profiles
Assistant Greens Supervisor Chris Flowers’ job duties go far beyond the usual trail, campground and program management typically associated with state park staff. Chris, who’s worked at the park since 2000, is responsible for the general upkeep of Cheraw State Park's 18-hole championship golf course, one of only two state parks requiring these services.
His interest in golf course management dates back to when he was first hired at the park at age 16.
“After working as a cart boy I became interested in golf course management,” says Chris. “I wanted to get involved in course maintenance and turf management.”
The Cheraw native left the park to attend Penn State where he earned a degree in Turf Grass Management.
His responsibilities include supervising other golf course staff and assisting the Greens Superintendent in the maintenance and upkeep of the course, facilities and equipment. This includes planting, fertilizing, topdressing, and applying pesticides, herbicides and fungicides on the greens, tees, and fairways.
Even when maintaining the golf course gets hectic and busy days involve juggling a hefty work load, Chris still enjoys coming to work.
“My job is outstanding,” says Chris. “I look forward to coming to work each and every day. I would encourage others to look into the golf course business. It is great to work outdoors doing a job that benefits your community, state, and agency.”