The In-Betweens

Message From The Director

You’ve heard the cliché that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” During our 75th anniversary celebration, it could also be worth a kayak and other great prizes.

If that’s not motivation enough to enter our photography contest, consider this. Photos have always been a means for us to reflect on the place where the photo was taken and more importantly on the memories that occurred during the trip. State Parks are special places full of opportunities for great photography and lasting memories. This summer take your camera with you and record a memory.

This month’s e-news theme is paddling, and if you win the photography contest, you'll be able to take your new kayak to a state park next year and make some memories!

The “In-Between”

Until then, I’m reminded of the padding experiences I’ve had over the years and the opportunities for discoveries and memories. The secrets of a river or a lake are often found in the “in-betweens.” The area and time between the put-in and the take-out points, the part of the river that unveils its secrets and provides you with adventures around each bend even if you have paddled it before.  I recall an in-between moment on the Lynches River at Lee State Park. I had left the bank for my paddle excursion, and the river immediately took over, slowly taking me on a journey of discovery.

On this particular trip, a sudden discovery of a fawn nestled on the bank had me hastily searching for my camera. Got it! A memory and proof of my discovery. A few paddles later, a snake sunning on an exposed rock. The site reminds me that the river is alive with discoveries and the sights and sounds of a meandering South Carolina river are worth the paddle!

Paddling With Your Camera

Whichever river or lake you pick, remember to “bag” or waterproof your camera. Because to experience the fun of paddling, you’ve got to get wet! Whether it’s on the canoe and kayak trail at Goodale or Cheraw, shooting the rapids at Landsford Canal, or paddling your favorite lake or river, remember to take it all in, especially the "in-between."

As we continue our 75-year celebration of your State Parks, remember to record the special places and memories that will last a lifetime. Take a picture, save it on your computer screen, place it on your refrigerator and enter it in our contest. Then step back and relive those special memories and places.

Paddle a river or a lake and experience the “in-between” because there has never been a better time to come out and play!

Phil Gaines, Director