How's The Weather?
Message From The Director
Ever noticed how obsessed we are we the weather? Watch the local news and see how many times the weather is reported during the newscast. Often times the newscast starts and ends with the weather forecast, and of course there is a full segment in the middle of the broadcast. There’s a network dedicated to weather and several channels that show nothing but weather forecasts. The weather fascinates us and intrigues us. There’s doppler, double doppler, three dimensional forecasts and all types of “computer models” and technology that help predict the weather, but the fact remains that it’s still a weather forecast! A forecast, not a fact.
How many of you are like me check the five-day forecast? Have you, like me, ever made vacation and weekend plans based on the five-day forecast? I used to, but not anymore. No offense weather forecasters, but too many times you’ve missed it! I do hate that five-day forecast! Why? Because too often it changes people's plans and those opportunities to connect with family, friends and state parks. I must admit I have changed my plans to accommodate the five-day forecast. Some of the time they are right, sometimes wrong. The point: don’t let the forecast, or for that matter the weather, dictate your plans. If you do you may just miss the memory of a lifetime.
One of my fondest state park memories was a camping and hiking trip to Jones Gap years ago with my son. Our annual trip was almost canceled because the forecast called for rain. Guess what happened? It rained! The five-day forecast was absolutely right, but an amazing thing occurred that week in the rain. We made a memory that will last a lifetime.
It was springtime and the forest came to life with the rains from above. The new growth was magnified with the spring rain. The greens of the forest were different. They seemed more brilliant and each leaf glistened with every raindrop. The forest canopy sheltered the trail from the heavy rains and we hiked up the rain-soaked trail. The forest took on new sounds as each raindrop played a symphony on the spring leaves and the Middle Saluda roared her approval. We talked and had a great time hiking in the rain. We made it back to camp, wet and tired, but filled with memories of a great day in the woods.
Ever camped in the rain? If you have, you just smiled. It's not about the weather, it's about the memories. Ever been camping when it’s in the upper 90’s with high humidity? Just too hot for camping, right? It’s South Carolina, sure you have, and did you have a campfire? Of course you did, you’re camping! It’s never too hot to go camping.
So the next time you see the five-day forecast, instead of thinking about the weather, go to a state park and create new memories.
So how the weather for this weekend? Perfect!
See you in the parks!