Hey Ranger

Message From The Director

Welcome to a new decade, whether you call it two thousand and ten or Twenty Ten, a decade has begun. What will this decade bring?

If you look back at the beginning of the last decade, you can see how much we have changed.

Think about it for a minute…words and items that are commonplace today were unheard of a decade ago. If you told someone you tweeted or googled in 2000, you would get some strange looks! A time before IPods, Face Book, You Tube and the wii.

Wow, how did we ever survive? So what will this decade bring?

Latch On To the Affirmative

One of the things that came out of the last decade is the “Great Recession,” and while the recession has brought with it many negative things, I believe that one of the positive things to come out of the these times is the idea of “getting back to basics” and the importance of family, friends and making memories.

It’s Back to Basics

This year in your State Parks we will focus on providing you with opportunities to achieve some of life’s essentials as well as help you reconnect with the very things that make South Carolina so special.

Your state parks are indeed special places, and in this new decade we want to showcase and introduce you to some of these special places.

It’s back to basics, and one of our initiatives is to answer the basic question a lot of folks ask when they first arrive at a state park: “I’m here. Now what do I do?”

This year we really want to hear the phrase, “Hey, Ranger”, then the follow up question of “Now that I’m here, what should I make sure I see or do?”

What comes next will be opportunities to explore South Carolina’s great treasures and make a memory that lasts a lifetime.

A State Park New Year’s “To Do”

Speaking of the New Year, why not make a New Year's Resolution to include your state parks. Make a list of state park adventures for the New Year. Here are a few ideas:

  • Hike to the top of Table Rock Mountain,
  • Walk to the top of the Lighthouse at Hunting Island
  • Hike to waterfall at one of the mountain parks
  • Visit the Spanish Mount and the Bache Monument at Edisto Beach
  • Paddle from Colleton to Givhans Ferry on the Edisto River
  • See the Rocky shoals spider lilies in bloom at Landsford Canal
  • Go on board the Adventure and see the cannons fire at Charles Towne Landing
  • See a sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean at one of the coastal parks.
  • See and experience the Hawk migration at Caesars Head State Park
  • Sit on the front porch at Hampton Plantation
  • Experience an old fashion Christmas at Redcliffe Plantation
  • Go camping
  • Picnic
  • Sit by a campfire and roast marshmallows
  • Laugh out loud
  • See the stars
  • Make a memory

And the list goes on and on.

We would love to hear your ideas for the must see and do list for 2010. Visit our facebook page and give us your additions to our list. Of course, if you need some help, remember to “ask a Ranger.” Rangers are happy to help.

We’re looking forward to this year and the decade ahead. Remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and to check off for South Carolina State Parks on your South Carolina State Tax form - it makes a difference.

See you in the parks!
