A Ranger’s Farewell

Message From The Director

A little over 30 years ago, a Park Ranger in a booth at an outdoor expo on the South Carolina State Fair Grounds spoke to me at length about her job. I was fascinated and took an application from her table thinking this would be a dream job. Here I sit, more than 30 years later, as the State Park Director writing my last column for our newsletter.

As I reflect on my career, I am reminded of the way a good friend has frequently described his life. He will often say, that if he could go back and tell his younger self the story of his career, he would have never believed it was possible. I understand that now more than ever.

From opening the box with my first badge and uniform, until the day I took the uniform off for the last time when I moved to the central office, my journey seems incomprehensible. I have explored every park and new property in our state multiple times and learned skills ranging from law enforcement to arboriculture, procurement to plumbing, search and rescue to programming, and so much more. I have memories of spending time with friends, family, and complete strangers in parks, and the physical mementos I hold onto are just touchstones to remind me of my incredible journey.

These last few months have been filled with more great memories and milestones. One has been the many kind words that have been shared by co-workers, friends, and loved ones that I will cherish forever. I have joked that at times I feel like I am sitting at my own funeral listening to the nice things people say about me. It has been humbling… a bit embarrassing… and for my wife, amusing. I have gotten to see the excitement of our team as new leaders emerge! From Park Managers to Regional Chiefs and even a new Director, the change in the air is palpable, and the excitement is obvious in every corner of the state.

Stepping away from something I have done for so long will not be easy. As a Park Ranger, often, our careers become part of our identity, and I am no exception to that. For decades, my children’s friends have called me Ranger Paul. When asked what I do, the answer is always “I’m a Park Ranger!” South Carolina State Parks has been a part of my life and family for 30 years, and no matter where I go or what I do, I will always think of them as family.

Change is a part of life. It is one of the things that keeps it interesting, exciting, and even a bit scary. Leading this State Parks team will be the highlight of my working life, I am sure. This team has modeled the stewardship and service ethos we preach and taught me so much about being a leader. They have weathered great successes and great losses by my side, and I step off the field and into the stands to watch, I am excited to see what is next.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention what is next for South Carolina State Parks. They are getting a leader, Joy Raintree, whom I have known for over 20 years. She is intelligent, driven, and someone I truly admire and respect. I know that the Park Service is in great hands, and I am excited to see the heights that she and this team will soar to.

I hope to see you in the parks.

Ranger Paul