A Month of Firsts

Message From The Director

The past month has been filled with firsts.  Firsts for me, our staff and our visitors. I had the opportunity to attend a Halloween event at one of our parks, and Lake Greenwood did not disappoint.  There were monsters and superheroes all over, lines out the gate and a ton of sugary sweets had by all.  Halloween has become one of the biggest weekends for many parks and if you are interested in camping with us, you need to start planning for 2020 because 2019 is pretty much booked! There were firsts for our staff as well. Our new information technology director and chief engineer spent time at Hampton Plantation with our archaeologist discovering our past.  They participated in fieldwork during the day and got to enjoy stargazing at the park with the darkest skies in South Carolina after nightfall.  Finally, we had some firsts for our visitors as well. We had 64 visitors register for six-hour guided tours of St. Phillips Island. The trip included trail hikes through the interior of a sea island, beach walks and lunch with a view. Quite a month, indeed.

                After enjoying all those firsts, we are now in the full swing of getting ready for the holiday season. In years past, this would be the beginning of a slower time in parks but not anymore. Many families have made us a part of their annual traditions, utilizing park facilities statewide as a place to gather for the holidays.  They come together and cook, sit around campfires, hike, ride horses and make memories that will last a lifetime.  If you haven’t tried it yet, walking on a trail or sitting next to a beautiful view can be a great way to spend an hour or two enjoying each other’s company.  We hope all of our guests, both new and returning, enjoy utilizing their favorite park as the backdrop for memories created this year. 

                Our staff is working hard to make sure you have great experiences while visiting parks, and to offer great opportunities as you plan for adventures in the coming year.  We have already started with our Black Friday specials, the camping and cabin discounts available only once a year, and many of you grabbed the chance.  Now we are preparing to kick off our 12 Days of Deals, starting with a visit from the jolly elf himself at Table Rock State Park on December 1. The exciting daily deals continue with discounts on camping, golfing and gift cards, as well as opportunities for visitors to enjoy unique activities in parks. You can grab the gift of an experience, reserving spots for an upcoming paddling program or finally getting that Park Passport and State Park Guide to start your Ultimate Outsider adventure. Whether you are shopping for yourself or others, there is something for everyone. 

                So this year, no matter how you plan to spend the coming months, we hope we have something for you.  Your South Carolina State Parks are special places with great opportunities for each and every visitor.  Our parks are places for people. They are an investment in you, your health, your outdoor opportunities and your peace of mind.  Come out and see them!
