Jones Gap  Hero Image

Jones Gap

Jones Gap  Image
Park Logo


Jones Gap State Park will reopen on Saturday, March 1! Please be advised that the park WILL BE different. PLEASE read carefully what to expect, before visiting.

The Ultimate Outsider stamp is now located at the Ranger Station.

Campers must check-in at the Ranger Station before proceeding to the camper parking lot.

Clock Logo


9 a.m. to 5 p.m., daily


9 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily

Admission Logo


$6 adults; $3.75 SC seniors (age 65 & older); $3.50 children ages 6-15; ages 5 and under, free.

Pets Logo


Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Jones Gap State Park  No Wifi

No Wifi Available

Jones Gap State Park


Things To Do

  • Fishing Information: Enjoy fishing in the Middle Saluda, Matthews and Julian creeks for brook, rainbow and brown trout. A valid South Carolina fishing license is required. Artifical lures/flies only, please.

  • Fishing: Yes
  • Freshwater Fishing: Yes
  • Park Store/Gift Shop: A small gift shop is located in the park Learning Center and is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., daily. The store includes basic camping supplies, firewood, tshirts and hats.

  • Bird Watching: Jones Gap is a great park for birdwatching. Resident birds and spring migratory songbirds are plentiful.

  • Geocaching: Geocaching is permitted. Several geocaches are located on the park. For more information visit the official geocaching website.

  • Birding: Yes
  • Hiking Trails: A network of easy to strenuous hiking trails in the Mountain Bridge Recreation Area links Caesars Head and Jones Gap state parks. Registering with the park before using these trails is mandatory. Detailed trail maps are available for sale at the park headquarters. Trails include (mileage shown is one-way):

    Coldspring Branch (2.6 miles)

    Jones Gap NRT #1 (Jones Gap Falls) (5.3 miles)

    Hospital Rock #30 (1.5 miles)

    Rainbow Falls Trail (2.2 miles)

    John Sloan #21 (0.9 mile)

    Pinnacle Pass #20 (10 miles)

    Rim of the Gap #6 (4.3 miles)

  • Hiking: Yes


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