Caesars Head  Hero Image

Caesars Head

Caesars Head  Image
Park Logo


Caesars Head State Park is CLOSED, effective immediately, until further notice, due to wildfire activity in the area.

Caesars Head restrooms and overlook are open from 9 a.m. to sunset.  Trail access is hike at your own risk.  The only trails that are cleared are: Wildcat Wayside, Frank Coggins and Raven Cliff to the overlook. Trails are open from 9 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. All other trails remain closed.

A map of currently open trails can be found, here.

All trails on park are rated as advanced and are in a wilderness setting. Trails Close at 5 PM daily. All hikers must be off trails by this time. 

Caesars Head State Park does not take reservations for day-use parking.  All of our parking is first-come first-serve. There is NO roadside parking at Caesars Head State Park 

Hike-in Trailside campsites are available by reservation only. There is NO car-camping or RV camping at this park.

Clock Logo


9am-6pm, daily. Trails open 9 a.m.-5 p.m.


9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. M-F, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat- Sun.

Admission Logo


Trail access cost: $3 adults; $1.50 SC seniors; $1 children age 6-15; age 5 & younger free

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Pets are allowed in most outdoor areas provided they are kept under physical restraint or on a leash not longer than six feet. Owners will be asked to remove noisy or dangerous pets or pets that threaten or harass wildlife.

Caesars Head State Park  Has Wifi

Wifi Available

Caesars Head State Park


Unique Features

  • Significant Features: Caesars Head is one of South Carolina’s most famous natural landmarks. At 3,208 feet above sea level, Caesars Head provides a panoramic view of the mountain country.

    Another significant landmark in the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area includes Raven Cliff Falls, an overlook of this 420-foot mountain cascade awaits day-hikers at the end of a moderately strenuous two-mile trail.

    This area of the Blue Ridge Escarpment ends in South Carolina with an abrupt drop of some 2,000 feet to the foothills below, where the state’s Piedmont region begins. This escarpment affords spectacular scenic vistas and waterfalls, and provides a protected environment for many rare and endangered plant and animal species.

  • Wildlife: Wildlife that can be found on the park include black bear, Peregrine Falcon and the federally-endangered Green Salamander.

  • Wildflowers: Unique wildflowers that can be found on the park include the mountain sweet pitcher plant.

  • Waterfalls: Caesars Head has the following waterfalls: Raven Cliff Falls, Cliff Falls, Firewater Falls, Drip Rock Falls, Rockcliff Falls, and Silver Steps falls. Wildcat Wayside, located on Hwy. 11 between Caesars Head and Jones Gap includes the Lower Wildcat Falls and Upper Wildcat Falls.


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